Sketchbooks are an amazing opportunity to draw, visualize, write, research, and record ideas. Investigations into drawing and collecting will stimulate curiosity, inspire experimentation and expand creative habits. Consider sketching every day to continue to improve your drawing skills and nurture creativity.
Required Sketchbook:
• Hard-cover, Spiral-bound, Approx. 9” x 12” (portrait orientation), min. 80 sheets (Blank sheets)
Available at BCIT Bookstore/ The Stand
Include in Sketchbook:
a) Weekly Sketchbook Exercises
b) Personal Sketches (min. 10):
- drawing from real-life objects
- drawing from images
- drawing from imagination
Try to sketch every day.
Remember you are not creating finished works, but creating a collection of records to draw onto later. You are to exercise the creative process: observe, interpret, ponder and respond.
Explore image making, and create visual evidence of personal themes, associations and meaning.
Study relationships between form and meaning.
Submission Requirements
Due: the beginning of WEEK 19 Lab:
• Scanned and submitted to the Sketchbook Assignment Assignment Folder on Learning Hub
• 5% of course mark