1. This assignment constitutes 15% of your final grade.
2. This assignment includes two files:
this pdf assignment instruction file, and
the Excel file containing the necessary data needed for the assignment.
3. It must be finished with your assignment group.
Marking Guidelines:
1. The distribution of the marks are:
Part I. 45 marks
Part II. 25 marks
Part III 30 marks
Total: 100 marks
2. Penalties for late submission: In order to ensure equality for all students, the assignment must be completed within specified time limits. Each calendar day beyond the due date incurs 10 marks deduction. Assignments submitted later than 10 calendar days after the due date will not be marked and will receive no marks.
3. Your submission to the assignment include a written report and an Excel file.
The written report should contain all the answers, including all necessary results and/or plots.
The Excel file should provide all the calculations, including but not limited to the results presented in the written report.
4. Referencing
1. Websites, magazine/newspapers, etc.
o Refer to websites and magazines/newspapers as footnotes (footnotes not endnotes).
o For websites, include the full link and also the date accessed. (You don’t need to put these in the bibliography.)
o If you paste in a graph/figure/table from some other document or website, you must provide full information on the source.
o If you create a table or a graph from data that you have found on a website (or elsewhere), you must provide the data source.
Academic articles/books.
o When referring to academic sources in your essay, use the name of the author(s) and the year of publication.
o For example: “Dixon (2015) reports that. . . ”; “. . . as Zeng and Gao (2021) argue. . . .”
o If there are more than three authors, you should state the first author followed by et al., for example “. . . La Portral et al. (2018).” (The full list of authors must be included in the bibliography).