This assignment requires you to make use of Software Excel to calculate Statistic and analyse data.
There are two part of the assignment, and each part contribute 50% of the assignment grade.
In this assignment, student will demonstrate their competency applying what they have learnt in
probability to analyse a scenario and the COVID dataset given in order to visualize the data using
Spreadsheet software. Students are highly advised to conduct regular meetings with team members
to discuss and to ensure the assignment is progressing. Teamwork and every member are expected
to contribute to the project. Working alone may resulting in unfavourable outcome / marks for the
module as a whole.
The weightage of this assignment is 20% of the overall grade of Discrete Mathematics.
DUE DATE: Check Blackboard Submission Link
Part (A) CASE STUDY: Analysing COVID19 Dataset
You are given a dataset in relation to COVID19 record called RAW DATA.
(covid19_July2020_dataset.xlsx). The dataset contains data such as country name, region, population,
total confirmed cases, total death, total recovery, and active case.
Your team has been assigned to perform data analysis using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft
A.1 Creating New Spreadsheet
Within the dataset workbook, create a separate spreadsheet named “Part A Solution” next to Raw
Data. In Part A Solution construct a simple table which include all team members’ name, email
address and Contribution(%).
Raw Data Part A Solution
Provide an appropriate table header and highlight the team leader’s name. Team Leader will be
responsible for the submission of the final work (final version of the spreadsheet, any other
submission by members will not be accepted.)
Your file name for the submission to Blackboard should be Group xx DM.xls where xx is your group
NOTE: You are expected to format and style all the tables in this spreadsheet with reference to the
following questions. Please label the table with reference to the question answered.
A2 Top 10 Countries with COVID19
Create a second table below the team members table, list down the top 10 countries with highest total
COVID19 cases and display the data of the top 10 countries identified. Do not just Copy/Paste from
Raw Data, use excel function to extract and display data appropriately.
Number Country Total COVID cases
A3 Statistics
Create a third table to show the lowest, highest, total and average of the population, total COVID
cases, total death, total recovery and total active cases for all countries from the RAW Data given.
You are expected to use Excel formula to generate the data. Do not just cut and paste data from Raw
Data or unknown sources.
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A4 Create a fourth table in Part A Solution spreadsheet, use excel function to extract the country
name with its probability to answer the following questions:
a) Which country will have the highest probability of death if a person is diagnosed and tested
positive with COVID?
b) Which country will have the lowest probability of recovery if a person is diagnosed and tested
positive with COVID?
A5 Data Aggregation & Consolidation, for the fifth table,
a) Use the excel function eg “CountIF” or any other suitable function to calculate total number
of countries within each region.
b) Extract and consolidate the total cases, total death, total recovery and active cases for the 10
ASEAN countries (Identify the 10 ASEAN countries from the internet). Exclude any
countries with missing data OR countries with total cases below 50,000.
A6) Data Visualisation
At the end of the Part A solution spreadsheet, create the following charts:
a) Create a bar chart to show the number of total cases for the top 10 countries with highest
COVID cases.
b) Create a pie chart to show the distribution of countries for each region.
NOTE: Format and label all charts appropriately and provide descriptive title for each chart. Do
ensure the chart is readable and looks professional. Format the table and charts to improve the
presentation of all you answer and solution.
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Part (B) Application of probability and analysis using Excel
Read up the following site to understand the Monty Hall problem. and
Summary of the Monty Hall problem: You are given the choice of three door, behind three doors
randomly lie two goats and a car, respectively. You pick a door e.g Door 1 (Goat behind it) , the host
who knows what is behind the doors, open another door e.g Door 2, which has a goat behind it. You are
asked if you would like to switch your choice or stick to your choice, what would be your suggestion
after the following analysis?
Create another Worksheet Part B Solution for this part.
Raw Data Part A Solution Part B Solution
B.1 One way to understand the problem is to explicitly list out all the possible outcomes and count how
often you will win if you stick to your choice versus if you were to switch door.
To set up the data, create a workbook to illustrate the data used in the Monty Hall problem, list out all
the possibilities, a suggested format is shown below. You may add more column subsequently to show
your understanding. The data for Door 1, Door 2, Door 3 and Choice should be random data.
Door 1 Door 2 Door 3 Choice Result if Result if
staying switching
Goat Goat Car 1 lose win
Goat Goat Car 2 lose win
Apply formulas to check the two columns: Result if staying and Results if switching. You can manually
enter test data for door 1, 2 and 3 with Choice of player to test if the formulas are working as expected.
B2. Analysis in Excel and Simulation of the results
Use Excel to verify your understanding by running some simulation test. To perform the test for more
runs eg 50 simulated results and analyse the results. You will begin with empty data in the worksheet and
use Excel RAND function to randomly generate the Door number behind the Car and assign the Goat to
the other two doors. Use RAND to randomly pick a door in Choice and Excel function to determine the
results (Win or Lose) if the participant choose to switch or stick to his choice.
Add formulas to enable all the values to be calculated automatically by adding additional row/column to
your spreadsheet for you 50 simulations. You could manually or use excel function read in the 50
simulation data and calculate the total score in order to derive and validate your conclusions based on the
possible outcomes of the simulation.
B3. Interpretation of results
Draw your conclusion based on the results of B2. Find the probability of winning by Staying with your
choice vs Switching, confirm which is the better strategy.
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B4 How to you relate Monty Hall problem to conditional probability, substantiate you findings by
using conditional probability formula.
1. Form a team of 4 – 6 students within the same DM Group.
2. Discuss and understand the requirements of the assignment and defined the parts
/component/questions to be completed by each member.
3. Conduct regular meetings with team members to consolidate and complete above tasks.
4. Conduct peer review and evaluation.
5. Finalize the spreadsheet and submit to Blackboard, only one submission per group by the leader.
6. You workbook in .xls should contain the following tabs: Raw Data, Part A Solution and Part B
Deliverables & Submission
1. Updated Spreadsheets (ensure all members name are included).
Students are to submit their project prior the due date indicated in Blackboard. Any late submission
will be subjected to deduction of marks as follow:
Plagiarism is the practice of using another writer’s ideas or observations and presenting them as the
author’s own. If students directly or indirectly use another author’s words without due
acknowledgements to the original source, they are guilty of plagiarism and their work cannot be
accepted as academic writing.
Plagiarism is a serious offence in PSB Academy and may lead to penalties in the student’s assessment,
in most cases even failure of the assignment and / or module. In severe instances, plagiarism may
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lead to exclusion of the student from the programme of study. (read more detail in
Student Handbook on 4.12 Academic Misconduct : PAC-ADM-G02 R15
Student Handbook)
All members are expected to collaborate, contribute, and learn from each other while working on this
assignment. Poor teamwork may result marks deduction as a whole. For unequal contribution of
work, Individual marks will be calculated based on the following formula:
Individual contribution (%)
Individual marks = Assessment mark x ---------------------------------------------
highest contribution (%) in group
Deliverables Not done / Marginal Below Meet
Incomplet Fail Expectation Expectation
e Good Excellence
A1 Format of
0 1 2 3 4 5
A2 Top 10 Countries
0 2 4 6 8 10
with COVID19
A3 Statistics 0 2 4 6 8 10
A4 (Extreme cases in 0 2 4 6 8 10
a and b)
Data Aggregation &
0 2 4 6 8 10
A6 Data Visualisation 0 1 2 3 4 5
B1 Tabulation of data 0 2 4 6 8 10
B2 Simulation of
0 4 10 12 16 20
B2 Interpretation of
0 2 4 6 8 10
B3 Correlation of
0 2 4 6 8 10
Total 100
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Ranking Descriptions
Excellence • Exceptional knowledge base exploring, analysing and evaluating the
discipline and its theory with extraordinary originality and autonomy.
• Demonstrates an exceptional grasp of relevant analytical techniques, and the
ability to apply these to new and/or abstract information and situations.
• Shows a highly developed appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate uses
of particular analytical and evaluative approaches.
• Knowledge and understanding of theory, where relevant, is highly detailed.
Exceptional appreciation of the limits of theory demonstrated throughout all
assessment outcomes.
• Approach to assessment task is theoretically informed to an exceptional
Good • Very good knowledge base that supports analysis and/or evaluation and
problem solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with some
originality displayed.
• Makes very good use of established techniques of analysis and/or evaluation
relevant to the discipline.
• Shows developing ability to compare alternative theories and/or analytic
approaches, where relevant.
Meet Expectation • Good knowledge base that supports some analysis and/or evaluation and
problem solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline.
• Makes good use of established techniques of analysis and/or evaluation,
relevant to the discipline. Sound descriptive knowledge of key theories with
some appropriate application.
Below • Satisfactory knowledge base demonstrating comprehension and
Expectation formulation of basic knowledge with some omissions at the level of
theoretical understanding.
• Limited ability to discuss theory and solve problems within the discipline.
• Makes satisfactory but limited use of established techniques of analysis and/or
evaluation, relevant to the discipline.
• Selection of theory, if relevant to the assessment outcomes is satisfactory but
application and/or understanding is limited.
Marginal Fail • Outcomes not or only partially met.
Restricted knowledge base demonstrated. Limited understanding of
Difficulty with linking theory and problem solving within the discipline.
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Attempts at analysis and/or evaluation ineffective and/or uninformed by the
discipline. Knowledge of theory inaccurate and/or incomplete.
• Application and/or understanding very limited, choice of theory
Little or no evidence of knowledge base.
Little evidence of understanding of discipline.
Little or no evidence of knowledge base.
Not Available/ Little evidence of understanding of discipline.
Incomplete Significant difficulty with theory and problem solving within the discipline.
Lacks any analysis and/or evaluation.