33979 Business Management
Graded Essay

Module Learning Outcomes: 

 By the end of the module, you will be able to: 

• Demonstrate critical awareness and engagement with broader issues and opportunities in global contemporary business.

 • Practice connective learning by evaluating business and management theory in the context of contemporary global business challenges 

 • Demonstrate reflective practice on business challenges facing the world 

 • Identify appropriate sources of information and data to explore and monitor issues and opportunities in the wider business environment.  


In no more than 2,000 words, answer only one question from the following list:  

1. Can business leadership be ethical? Discuss critically and illustrate with relevant examples. 

 2. What is the value of entrepreneurship for a modern business? Discuss critically and illustrate with relevant examples. 

 3. Why are diversity and inclusion important in business setting? What are the main challenges? Discuss critically and illustrate with relevant examples. 

 4. Globalization has been presented as though it is inevitable and irresistible. Discuss critically and illustrate with relevant examples the ways in which this process is now being challenged, and consider whether it is likely to continue?  

Grading Criteria: 

Essays will be graded according to four criteria: 

1. Knowledge and understanding of the taught material (30%) 

 2. Critical and independent thinking (30%)

 3. Presentation and writing style (20%)

 4. Referencing – Both in-text and at the end of the essay (20%) 

See the marking rubric at the end of the remit for more information on how your work will be marked and graded.  

Ethical Use of Generative AI (GenAI) 

You are permitted to use GenAI to support your submission for this assessment. You may use it for the following activities:

 • Researching and refining your idea

 • Information retrieval or background research

 • Refining research questions 

 • Drafting an outline to organise or summarise your thoughts

 • Checking spelling and grammar  

Applying GenAI tools should be done with human oversight and control. You should carefully review and use the results carefully as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete, uncritical, or biased. 

You may not submit any work generated by an AI tool as your own. Where you include any material generated by an AI tool, it should be properly declared just like any other reference material. Alongside your assignment you should also provide a commentary in the Cover Sheet detailing how GenAI has been used to develop your final submission. If you have not used GenAI tools, you should clearly state so.

Plagiarism, including that which results from using GenAI, is a form of academic misconduct that will be dealt with under the University’s Code of Practice on Academic Integrity. 


University guidance on ethical use of GenAI can be found here:  


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