Faculty of Arts & Science
Question 1 [6 points]
What is a forward contract? Discuss also the payoff and the price and value of a forward contract. Provide interpretations.
Question 2 [6 points]
The S&P 500 is worth 100$ CAD today. Joe performs the following two trades today:
• Purchase a European put option with strike K2 = 80$ CAD, maturity of 2 years, and an option premium of P2 = 10,
• Short sale a European put option with strike K1 = 70$ CAD, maturity 2 years, and option premium of P1 = 5.
Suppose the continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 3% per annum.
(a) [4 points] For what reason could Joe want to implement such a strategy?
(b) [2 points] What is Joe’s profit if the S&P 500 raises to 110$ in two years? What is Joe’s profit if the S&P 500 drops to 72$ in two years?
Question 3 [6 points]
TD Bank offers you at time t0 a European call option for the price of 10$ CAD on the Apple stock with a strike price of K and a maturity date T. Goldman Sachs offer you at the same time and the same price (10$ CAD) a knock-in option on the Apple stock with maturity T and with has payoff
(ST − K)+ 1{max{St | t∈[t0 ,T]}≥K2 } .
(a) [2 points] Which one of these two options do you prefer buying?
(b) [4 points] Under what conditions on K and K2 is the market arbitrage free?
Question 4 [6 points]
Show that p(t,T, K) ≤ K Z(t, T).
Question 5 [6 points]
Consider a forward contract issued at time t with maturity T on a stock S. A zero-coupon bond with maturity T can be traded on the market. At time t, it can be sold for Za (t, T) and bought for Zb (t, T) where Za (t;T) < Zb (t, T).
Moreover, the stock can currently be sold for St(a) and bought for St(b) at time t.
In this case, possible forward prices which do not lead to arbitrage are not unique. Proof that under the no arbitrage assumption the forward price is in the interval