ECON 7520 SEMESTER 2, 2024
SEMESTER 2, 2024
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• You have until 11.00h AEST on Oct 18, 2024 to 1) download and 2) work on the
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ECON 7520 SEMESTER 2, 2024
In Lecture 5, we discussed the relation between fiscal deficits and current account
imbalances. In our discussion, we assumed that the representative household has the
utility function
ln(C1) + ln(C2). (1)
Consider now that the representative household is better modeled by a utility function of
the form
ln(C1 + αG1) + ln(C2 + αG2), (2)
where α ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter and G1 and G2 are government expenditures in period 1
and 2, respectively. The household takes government expenditures as exogenously given.
Write a report of up to approximately 1,000 words that answers the following questions.
(a) In the baseline model of Lecture 5, the Ricardian equivalence holds. Does the Ricar-
dian equivalence continue to hold even if the representative household is modeled by
a utility function of the form (2)?
(b) Consider that the government changes the timing of some government expenditures.
In particular, assume that the government changes G1 by ∆G1 = ∆G 6= 0 and G2
by ∆G2 = −(1 + r1)∆G, where r1 denotes the interest rate on assets held between
periods 1 and 2. For example, if ∆G < 0 then the government effectively postpones
some spending by one period. Discuss how such a change in the government ex-
penditure stream affects the consumption and current account balance. How does it
affect your answer that (2) rather than (1) models the representative household?
Structure. Structure your report into the 6 sections indicated in green below. Make
sure to address all of the following bullet points:
• Include a word count of your report (excluding equations, figures and references).
• Consider including appropriate figure(s).
• Introduction
– Include a brief preview of your main findings.
– Be concise. This section should be relatively short.
• Model
– Develop an appropriate model to answer (a) and (b) from above.
– Include appropriate mathematical equations.
• Real-world country
– This section will be very brief.
ECON 7520 SEMESTER 2, 2024
– Name a real-world country to which your model might apply.
– Explain in one sentence why your model is appropriate for the country.
• Equilibrium
– Derive the equilibrium of your model.
– Include appropriate mathematical equations.
– Discuss the equilibrium and provide economic intuition for your results.
• Ricardian Equivalence
– Answer (a) from above.
– Provide economic intuition for your answer.
• Policy Analysis
– Answer (b) from above.
– Include appropriate mathematical equations.
– Provide economic intuition for your results.
Marking. The grade of your report will be based on the thoughtfulness and clarity of
logics in your explanations. Arguments that go beyond the lecture notes are viewed as
an important way to demonstrate thoughtfulness (i.e. it is generally a good idea to leave
more space/words to such arguments). Providing a concise and clear intuition for a result
also demonstrates thoughtfulness. The following mark-breakdown is anticipated:
• Introduction (10%)
• Model (20%).
• Real-world country (5%).
• Equilibrium (25%).
• Ricardian Equivalence (15%).
• Policy analysis (25%).
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