Laboratory Exercise 7 Memory and the VGA Display
Memory and the VGA Display

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Laboratory Exercise 7 Memory and the VGA Display

The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create and use on-chip block random access memories (BRAMS) as well as use the video graphics adapter (VGA).

1 Workflflow

For each part of the lab, you should begin by writing and testing Verilog code, using Model Sim. Once your design works in simulation, you should compile it with Quartus. You must simulate your circuit with ModelSim using reasonable test vectors written in the format used in Lab 2 for the simulation fifiles. You should be prepared to show schematics, Verilog, and simulations to your TA, if requested. You will not be helped with debugging your code if you do not have schematic and ModelSim simulations. Issues identifified with the tester, without doing your own ModelSim simulations will not get help.

Warning: This lab document is quite detailed and covers a lot of new information. Please read through it carefully. Do not rush to just get the labs done as you will spend much more time debugging your code than making progress. Also, it is highly recommended that you watch the tutorial videos on Quercus in the Lab 7 page.

2 Part I

In addition to lookup tables (LUTs) and flflip flflops, the FPGA provides flflexible embedded memory blocks that can be confifigured into various bit widths and depths along with many other parameters. To access these blocks you will use another feature of Quartus that can build modules of various functions. In this part of the lab exercise you will create a small RAM block and interact with it to understand how it works. Using the Quartus IP catalog  you will fifirst create a module for the desired memory. This will create a module that you can then instantiate in your designs when you need such a memory block. You can test the memory module using ModelSim and, if you have a board, using the switches and HEX displays for inputs and outputs.

The memory module we would like to create is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a memory block, address register, data register and a control register. You can see that the address and input data are stored in a register as well as the Write Enable control signal. Using the registers means that the DataOut value will be stable for one clock cycle and allows the inputs to be changed after the rising clock edge in preparation for the next clock cycle. It is a small memory so that we can easily interact with it using the available switches and displays on the the DE1-SoC board.

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