ECON7200 Central Bank Report
Central Bank Report

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Central Bank Report
Deadline: Monday 12 June 2023 16:00 (Brisbane time)
Topic: Choose a Central Bank. Write a report of up to 1500 words (excluding references),
addressing the following criteria:
1. Assess the history of the Central Bank’s activities in the past 10 years with formulating
2. Choose an economic crisis that the Central Bank’s country experienced, and explain how
the Central Bank has responded to that major event.
3. Evaluates the effectiveness of the Central Bank’s response before, during, and after the
said event.
This topic provides ample scope for using data. However, you only need to present the data, or
present findings from other academic articles to support your report. You are not required to do
econometric analysis.
You are required to use a good mix of sources including the internet, textbooks, newspapers, and
academic journals, articles from newspapers and business magazines. You must provide a list of
full-ranged references used or referred to in the essay.
Criteria & Marking
Your assignment will be marked on the following criteria:
• Assessment and overview of Central Bank’s activities (6 marks)
• Explanation of Central Bank’s response to economic crisis (4 marks)
• Evaluation of the Central Bank’s response (10 marks)
• Writing Quality (5 marks)
• Presentation (1 mark)
• Referencing (4 marks)
See the accompanying rubric for a breakdown of each category. In addition, there are some
points to consider:
• Your essay must have a cover page detailing your ID and word count.
o Remember to give a total word count (excluding references) on the cover page.
• Read the task word and answer accordingly. A guide can be found on Blackboard.
• References:
o Any reference style is allowed, but it must be consistent (i.e. same style
throughout the essay).
o You cannot cite Wikipedia or Investopedia.
o If graphs/figures/tables are used, remember to quote the source of the
• Do not plagiarize! It will be dealt with very seriously in UQ and is simply not worth
• As described in the ECP, this task evaluates student's abilities, skills and knowledge
without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of AI technologies to develop
responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student
Code of Conduct.
Each student should submit a Word or PDF file through the Turnitin link on the Blackboard
course website. Submission through email will not be accepted. All submissions will be run
through the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software.
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