
Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add  WeChat:  zz-x2580

General Exam Information
▪ Format: Online Moodle Exam
▪ Release date/time (via Moodle): Wednesday, Wednesday 10 May 2023, 8.00am (Australian
Eastern Time Zone)
▪ Submission date/time (Via Turnitin): Wednesday, Wednesday 10 May 2023, 8.00am (Australian
Eastern Time Zone) You can only submit once.
▪ Duration: submit within 4 HRS (3 HRS Writing Time + 1 HR Reading/Submission Time).
▪ Last Submission day/time without penalty: Wednesday, Wednesday 10 May 2023, 12.00pm (Sydney
▪ WORD Document submission only. Answer template provided. PDF or other formats NOT accepted.
▪ Late submissions -15% of available marks penalty (-15 marks) for every hour of lateness
▪ Some of you have 2 exams on the same day. This is NOT considered a clash. This is a university wide
policy (not mine).
▪ University academic misconduct rules apply and will be handled and decided by faculty’s integrity unit
(LiCs are not part of this committee
General Exam Information
▪ All topics from Weeks 1-10 are examinable
▪ It is assumed that you will be familiar with all aspects of the course.
▪ All questions draw on this familiarity and all questions involve multiple aspects of the course.
▪ All chapters studied and extra material covered in the course are assessable.
▪ Sources [Official Course Materials (in general)]:
▪ Textbook
▪ Lecture material
▪ Lab material
▪ Group Assignment
▪ Tutorial and case exercises
▪ Extra material provided in Moodle
▪ Please be careful about using information from your friends. In course and exam terms, the only
people you should rely on in terms of policy and scope are myself as your LiC, this document and
the actual exam paper. The rules are firm so it is important that you read this guide and your exam
General Exam Information
▪ 50% of your overall mark (paper is marked out of 100)
▪ This is not an assignment. Therefore, there is no marking criteria provided and there will be NO post
exam qualitative feedback (i.e., Turnitin/ReView feedback) after the exam.
▪ Final grades will be released as per university schedule. We will not release final exam numerical marks
on Moodle.
▪ Tutors have no access to Final Exam Questions.
▪ The LiC will be available to answer ONLY for typographical and grammatical error questions for the first
hour on exam day via a Moodle Exam Forum under Final Exam section. Questions on how to address,
answer, interpret or what perspective to take will not be entertained. Your ability to understand or think
through what is required is part of the assessment.
▪ You cannot contact any of the teaching team (lectures and tutors) for the entire duration of the exam until
the final grades are released. We will not be responding to any emails regarding your paper or marks.
Final Exam Section in Moodle-Sample
Final Exam
consists of
1. Pre-Exam
▪ This section will
be available in
Week 10.
Final Exam Section in Moodle-Sample
2. Final Exam
a. Declaration
▪ You are required
to read the
declaration form
and manually
mark the activity
as ‘done’ before
you can access
the final exam.
Final Exam Section in Moodle-Sample
b. Final Exam Paper, Answer Sheet & Submission Link
▪ You will be able to access the exam paper, answer sheet
and submission link after you read the declaration form
and mark the activity as ‘done’.
Final Exam Section in Moodle-Sample
c. Final Exam Forum
The forum is for exam paper clarification only. The LiC or a
member of teaching team will be attending the forum for the 1st
hour of the exam.
Exam Preparation : Recommended
▪ Organise your notes, homework, tutorial class work per topic
▪ Familiarise yourself with Moodle system requirements and the university rules on
plagiarism and misconduct. It is your responsibility as students to understand what the
policies are.
▪ Ensure you have set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using your zID on your
smartphone, and know what to do when prompted to verify your sign-in when
logging into UNSW systems.
▪ Create a study plan
➢ Decide whether you prefer to study sequentially Week 1-10 or level of difficulty or whether to
group topics high/medium importance
➢ As you study each Chapter, reflect:
✓ Am I able to explain the relationship of one topic with another?
✓ Am I able to explain how it works and applies to real world examples?
✓ Can I Identify solutions as I read through challenges associated with chapter cases?
✓ Can I explain impacts when I read through case problems?
✓ Can I distinguish key themes vs details and understand the ‘big picture’?
Exam Day : Recommended (1)
▪ Run the necessary updates on your machine before starting the exam (or do this
the day before if possible).
▪ Make sure your laptop is fully charged before the exam starts in case there is an
unexpected power outage for a short period of time.
▪ If your machine is unreliable/ problematic, ensure you have a back up (borrow
one if you have to)
▪ Find an appropriate (quiet) area in your house where you can concentrate. (If
you need to tell family members or flatmates that you need the space for a
stretch of time, you might want to organise this in advance)
▪ Tell your family member/friends that you are working on your exam from xx to xx
time and that you are not to be interrupted.
▪ Switch off all social media to avoid distractions (I know this is particularly difficult
but proper focus is necessary to answer this exam well)
Exam Day : Recommended (2)
1. For any diagrams, you can use, Lucidchart, drawing tools
in Excel and Word, or any other drawing tool. When you paste into
the exam answer sheet, make sure you can read clearly.
2. You can hand draw a diagram and then scan using your mobile
phone as a picture. When you paste the picture into the exam
answer sheet, make sure you can clearly read the text on the
▪ I suggest you perform a few practices on whichever option you
choose before the examination day.
Exam Day : Recommended (3)
▪ You do not need to use any SQL tools such as Oracle or
SAS Enterprise Guide during the exam.
▪ The SQL questions rely on you to write the SQL Code
manually without actually running the code in an SQL tool.
You can type the SQL code directly to the exam answer sheet.
Exam Day : Mandatory
▪ You must name your exam answer sheet in the following
format before submitting:
▪ zID_INFS1603.doc or zID_INFS1603.docx, for example,
z1234567_INFS1603.docx (Word Document only)
▪ Give yourself plenty of time to submit your file, say 15 to 30
minutes before the submission time.
▪ You must TRIPLE CHECK before your final submission. If you
submit a wrong file, you will be received a final mark of zero.
• Uploading one file that needs your ultimate attention is expected. You have uploaded
your homework and group project on Moodle so you should know the process. Keep
the submission receipt.
Final Exam Question Tips
▪ The entire final exam is answerable using ONLY your course notes, tutorial material,
textbook etc. If you are prepared, there is no need to research in the internet.
▪ Your ability to analyse and explain your point, apply theory to the details of the case are
what matters the most. Copy pasted answers from course materials have very little to no
▪ For this final exam, there are NO definition questions …otherwise students might have
the exact same answers and the risk for plagiarism is high.
▪ Instead, you will be asked to explain and recommend solutions by applying your
understanding of concepts. Plan your answers – we have made several class exercises
to get you to apply concepts to actual companies or cases so use these skills you have
learned this term.
▪ The questions are phrased similar to your homework, tutorial questions, and group
assignment. They are of course not the exact questions but the style is similar and with
more complexity as it is a final exam – for practice, you might want to revisit.
Referencing & Integrity
▪ You DO NOT need to cite the use of textbook, lecture slides, course notes (you do not need to say
things like “The lecturer said…”, for the purpose final exam we consider this as official course
materials/internal sources.
find on course slides is subject to potential plagiarism rules if not properly acknowledged. If you
access an external link, you must acknowledge. Ensure you read the university rules on plagiarism
and if in doubt regarding Harvard referencing (Harvard Referencing - The 'In-text' System |
UNSW Current Students).
▪ University academic misconduct, fraud and plagiarism rules apply – take the time to know what the
rules are. Our advice is –don’t risk it!
▪ This final exam guide is NOT exhaustive. It is the student’s responsibility to check the university
rules and UNDERSTAND them. If you are unsure, contact the university’s learning advisor for
support as it is not your tutors or LiC’s role to teach you referencing. (support links provided on the
last slide).
▪ Ensure your answers are your OWN WORK. Copy pasting materials verbatim even if you have in-
text referencing does NOT meet the criteria of producing your own work.
Final Exam Consultation Hours
▪ Due to volume, we are unable to answer
questions regarding the final exam via email.
▪ Exam Consultation channel was created to
accommodate QnA exam questions. Please
post your questions to the channel.
▪ Sample questions are provided but no solution
will be provided, and I will not go through the
▪ Final Exam Consultation Session:
To be determined.
University Study Support
1. Open Book and Take Home
(<------take this advice seriously; do not assume that because it is an
home and open book exam, that it requires less preparation.)
2. The Learning Consultation team are offering online individual
consultations via ZOOM, Teams, Skype, or phone to help Business
School students with their literacy and numeracy questions, study
skills, academic writing, exam preparation, assessment tasks, case
writing, reports/essays, and referencing……..
3. Get in touch with a learning advisor now - book a consultation through
the online booking system.
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