MEDIAART 1A03: Media Arts
Media Arts

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MEDIAART 1A03: Media Arts

Exercise 3: Programming and Interactivity

Each student will:

Use 'Processing' to create an interactive digital project that evokes, embodies, and communicates
(through format, colour, shape, and interactivity) one of the following adjectives:

● mesmerizing
● serpentine
● turbulent
● audacious
● elegant
● persnickety
● trippy
● jocular
● elusive
● structured
● arcadian
● tricky
● subversive
● ethereal
● sensual

Each project must:
● At a minimum, address the following parameters: format (dimensions), colour, shape, and
● You must comment your code to explain what it does. If you borrow code from a sample
Processing project, you must modify the code and explain your modifications in comments.
● Further exploration in Processing (via the information and tutorials available on the Processing
website) is encouraged and there are no limitations (within appropriate boundaries) on
what you are allowed to do in Processing.
● The goal of the project is to use Processing to create an interactive digital project that
successfully reflects the adjective you have chosen.

Marking Rubric:
1. Concept/evokes adjective: 20%
2. Complexity and ambition: 20%
3. Functionality (the project works properly): 20%
4. Documentation (explanation and comments within the code): 20%
5. Overall impact: 20%

Submission Guidelines:
● Name your project: yourlastname_Ex3.pde
● Post your .pde files from Processing in Avenue to Learn

Note: Failure to name your file properly or submit it in the proper format will result in a 10% deduction
from your final mark on this exercise.

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